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Rollco Romania Srl
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Rollco Romania Srl
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0 stars: Fara rating 10 pareri
#854 din 854 de Companii din Birotica&Papetarie
Membru Gratuit din 2009
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Rollco Romania Srl Rollco Romania Srl - Aleea Cenusaresei Nr 5, Bucuresti, Bucuresti
Produse si servicii

role de hartie pentru case de marcat, etichete autoadezive pentru cantare electronice, role de hartie pentru atm

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Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2009!
Our products are made of European paper with ultimate quality. We offer only what is really worthy and is a novelty on the retail system market.

Major part of the biggest European and Bulgarian companies, recognized for their quality services have been our partners throughout the years. The paper rolls produced by Rollco Bulgaria are characterized with their even rolling and a solid PVC spool.

This ensures faultless recharging and performance of the devices. Rollco Bulgaria guarantees all its clients that rolls produced and delivered by us:
- contain the full metre length, marked on the label; - meet or surpass the OEM requirements of the printing devices producers;
- will not suspend the guarantee for the device when operating;
- will give you 100% contentment.

Why Rollco?
• Our roll products protect your fiscal machines and scales.
• Rollco consumables guarantee work without dust and fibril emission, diminishes tear and wear, ensures long life for the printing devices.
• The exceptionally precise workmanship of the paper rolls and labels allows replacement with no loss of time and effort.
• If correctly stored, the rolls keep their printing ability for 5 years and the print itself can last for as long as minimum 10 years.
• The Rollco consumables are produced with marked end of the band.
• We provide for competing advantages by offering rolls with guaranteed quality and consumer individuality /multi colour print of logo, trademark or text/.
Din Gura in Gura